Monday, March 29, 2010

Project Three6Five...

This project was inspired by a project called P52. The idea behind P52 was for people to take at least 1 picture a week with their children documenting their life together.

I decided that instead of taking pictures of me and my child(ren) every week, I would take a photo a day of something inspiring to me or of something that can tell a story with just a simple image. It can be anything. A flower, a pile of laundry, a broken nail, your child, a hobby, your husband, yourself....literally anything!

I challenge all of you to take on this "project" with me. Leave me a comment and let me know if you are doing it....I would love to see your photos documenting your life.


  1. Love this! I am excited to follow you. I wish I had a better camera and I would think about doing this!

  2. I think I will do this. I just don't know where I will publish them. Maybe incorporate them on my blog somehow. hmmm. Thanks for the idea. I like how you changed it up.
