Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I really am doing well on my Project...I promise! I just can't find the time to upload one picture to this blog every day:) I'm going to try to post them soon, but if I don't I may just post one or two a week or something. This has been great for me. I'm learning so much about my camera and documenting our life.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 1 ~ With Daddy's Help

Project Three6Five...

This project was inspired by a project called P52. The idea behind P52 was for people to take at least 1 picture a week with their children documenting their life together.

I decided that instead of taking pictures of me and my child(ren) every week, I would take a photo a day of something inspiring to me or of something that can tell a story with just a simple image. It can be anything. A flower, a pile of laundry, a broken nail, your child, a hobby, your husband, yourself....literally anything!

I challenge all of you to take on this "project" with me. Leave me a comment and let me know if you are doing it....I would love to see your photos documenting your life.